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​"Music it saves lives, these kids out here are supporting it. And through the art form we've learned the importance of community. Truth to the youth so they know what's up. Yup, and as a public school student I learned from my teachers, but became through my music. Take that away, that's a vital."

     The CreativeFLo is a nonprofit organization that promotes artistic skills in teens and kids with disabilities or mental illness. Founded by a group of teens with a space in their heart for children with disabilities and mental illness, workshops will be conducted twice a month to allow these children to come and emerge themselves into different forms of art. They will make new friends, experience a whole another world, and get their work displayed for all to see.




Who Are We

Mission: To allow disabled low-income Floridian youths to empower themselves through artistic skills as well as bringing awareness to said disability in which they may have.

Vision: Each youth that attends the program will leave with a sense of fulfillment, self-confidence, personal satisfaction, and are more determined to succeed.

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